Tips To Help You Declutter Before Your Move



Moving to a new home can be exciting, but it can also be stressful. Having a lot of clutter is associated with higher levels of cortisol and can make the moving process even more difficult. Thus, declutter before your move.

Decluttering means getting rid of the things you do not need, use, or love anymore. It can help you save time, money, and space as you prepare to move to your new home.

Explore some tips on how to declutter before your move.

Start Early

Give yourself enough time to sort through your items and decide what you would truly like to keep and what you should discard. Not only will the extra time make your decluttering project less stressful, but this will also help ensure that you have no regrets at the end of the process. Ideally, begin your decluttering process at least a month before your move date.

Make a Plan

Decluttering can be overwhelming if you do not have a clear strategy. Start by compiling a list of all the rooms and areas in your home that contain clutter. Then, prioritize them based on how much clutter the spaces have and how often you use those areas. Start with the garage, basement, or attic since they tend to accumulate the most junk and do not require daily use.

Schedule some time each day or week to work on the first area on your list. Complete that area before moving to the next.

Also, consider setting a timer for each of your decluttering sessions. This can help you stick to your desired timeframe and stay motivated.

Categorize Your Items

As you declutter each room or area, sort your items into four categories: keep, donate, sell, and trash. Keep only the things that you need, use, or love. Donate or sell the things that are in good condition but you do not want anymore. Discard the things that are broken, damaged, or expired.

Use boxes, bags, or bins to separate your items. Also, label them clearly, as your boxes and other storage containers are unlikely to be transparent. Items that you decide to keep will already be boxed for relocation to your home.

Keep Out the Emotions

Decluttering can be hard because we often attach sentimental value to our possessions. Nonetheless, if you want to declutter effectively, you have to be unemotional and honest with yourself throughout the process. Ask yourself these questions when deciding what to keep and what to discard:

  • Do you need this item?
  • Do you use this item regularly?
  • Do you love this item?
  • Does this item fit your current lifestyle and needs?
  • Does this item bring you joy or add value to your life?
  • Would you buy this item again today?

If the answer is no to any of these questions, then let go of the item.

Don’t Procrastinate

Get rid of the clutter as soon as possible. Once you have sorted your items into categories, do not let them sit around and take up space.

Procrastination can cause you to perpetuate the habit of keeping things you do not need or use. Additionally, it can leave you with too little time to complete the decluttering project, making the packing for your move even harder.

Keep in mind that the increased organization and the lack of clutter will simplify your move and help make it more enjoyable.

If you plan to relocate to a new home in the near future, contact Dixie Moving & Storage, Inc. We can help ensure your move is organized, safe, and less stressful. We look forward to helping you.