The Top Tips to Make Your Move Week Go Smoothly


Is your move one week away? Now that the big day is almost here, take a look at the top ways to prep in the week before your move.

Touch Base with the Movers

You scheduled a move date and time weeks, or even months, ago. But you haven’t spoken to the movers since you agreed to the initial estimate. As your move-out or move-in date approaches, give the movers a call. A pre-move day check-in allows you to verify the details and gives you extra time to ask questions. If you’re not sure what this check-in should include, common areas to cover are:

  • The start time. What time will the movers arrive? This may include a specific time or a window, depending on the moving contractor.
  • Space the movers may need. How much space will the movers need to park the truck? Make sure you have the right length and width necessary. A long driveway may accommodate the length of the truck—but it’s possible the width won’t.
  • Restrictions or risk-reducers. These could include anything from how you pack your belongings to where you keep your pets during the move.
  • The payment. When and how do the movers expect to get paid? If you haven’t reviewed the payment terms, now is the time to do so.

Write a list of your questions before you call the movers. The week before a move is often a busy, stressful time. A written list will help you to remember everything that you want to ask the movers. This can help you to avoid multiple phone calls or phone calls followed by emails.

Pack Essential and Everyday Items

While you could pack any time before your moving date, it’s not advisable to wait until the last minute. But this doesn’t mean you should box, bin, or bag everything you own weeks before you move out. Some items are necessary for everyday use. You may want to wait until the week before your move to pack:

  • Key pieces of dishware. You don’t need to leave everything out until the day before your move. Instead, pack dishware that you don’t use often or excess plates, bowls, cups, and glasses. Leave out one place setting per person for the last few days before your move.
  • A few pots and pans. Unless you plan on ordering take-out for every meal in the week leading up to your move, you will need to leave out a few pots, pans, and other key pieces from your cookware collection.
  • Some of your clothing. Pack all out-of-season items, dressy clothes, or anything you wouldn’t regularly wear. Leave out at least one outfit per day for the last week of your move, undergarments, and pajamas or nightgowns.
  • Towels. Wait until the week before your move to pack towels, washcloths, and other similar items. Towels pack easily and won’t take much time to prep. You could wait until the day of your move to pack these items into bags or bins.
  • Pet products. Your pet’s food and water bowls, dry food, food storage containers, and trusted toys can go with you in your car. This means you can wait until moving day to gather these items and get them ready for your trip across town, the state, or the country.

Children may require a special packing plan. Pack the bulk of your child’s toys and off-season clothes in the weeks before your moving day. But wait until the week of the move to pack everyday clothing, their bedding, and favorite stuffed friends. Leave lovies (such as a blanket or beloved toy) out and move these items with you.

Do you need extra help with your move? Contact Dixie Moving & Storage Inc. for more information.